Smart lock advantages

While it's still the future for many, electronic or smart locks are getting more and more popular to be used. While offices and hotels have been using electronic locks for a long time most people do not know enough about them to dare to use these for their homes. Let's therefore take a look at all the pros of these locks this time around.

What is a smart lock?

We call all electromechanical lock a smart lock if it can lock and unlock door when instructed by an authoritative and authorized device which uses a wireless protocol to access (Bluetooth, WiFi) along with a code that's meant as a cryptographic key. This way, they don't need to use a real key (except for an emergency key fob that still cannot be left out, for fire security reasons)

Why is a smart lock better?

Most burglars avoid these

We are now in an intermediate era, somewhere in-between older style locks and newer style locks. This means that luckily, the new generation of burglars which is to soon grow up and will know exactly how to best open these doors, is still a couple of years away. As most burglaries happen in the moment, when they see a door or a window left wide open or if they know it takes only 2 minutes to take an old lock out, they will not dedicate that much of a time to try to open a smart lock. Just yet.

It's especially good if you deal with multiple people entering or visiting your home

It is no wonder that websites such as Airbnb urge home owners who are renting their homes to have these smart locks. This way, you don't have to be around to let someone in. You can setup a temporary code with a proper expiration which will let them in for the duration of their stay. It's even good if you setup a code for each family member or if they can use the same code altogether.

Codes are not as easy to lose as keys

Keys can be lost quite easily but codes when kept in a safe place are much easier to go with.

Easy to use

All you need is a code so no more searching for keys and no more difficulties in opening the lock. Also, there are more and more up to date locksmith services in Bournemouth who will be more than happy to help in case something happens with the lock.

They are compatible with today's best modern camera surveillance alarm systems

You can not only manage the locks through an app, you can also view the whole flat almost the same way as if you were at home.

Safer option

Most burglaries still happen due to spare keys, which are left outside for family members to get in. With electronic locks there is no such possibility. Although vulnerabilities will always be, only of different nature, the electronic locks seem to be the lock system of the future generation for residential homes too.

Call a locksmith service in Bournemouth if you would like to get more information on electronic locks.