7 tips to make your home more secure than it used to be

Not all security precautions need to cost you a fortune. Sometimes smaller things to pay attention to would pay off just as much. This is exactly why we thought to compile this home security list for you. It will show you the main points of concern and then we will give you further tips as to how to fix these.

Make sure you don't leave any documents or garage remote in your car

Many people tend to use a remote for their garage doors, but leave the remove in the vehicle. Many people don't always use the garage and tend to leave their cars outside. Although it's not the most likely act, if you once accidentally leave your car open, burglars may steal the garage remote, wait until you leave, then use the remove to open the garage door. Of course, this is pretty opportunistic and in most cases cars are not broken in, but go stolen, but it's a possibility to count with.

Do not have open key racks

We know it's a cute thing to have key racks, out in the mud room or entryway area but it also poses as an extra help for any uninvited intruder, especially if the key rack also nicely says, which key is for what exact door, space, car etc. Try not to have a key rack out in the open, or if you do have one, make sure it's located in a lesser visible area. The best option is to have they keys locked altogether.

Protect all documents on banking information, passwords etc.

We are more than keen to think noone can get in our home. Therefore many homes have tons of passwords, bank accounts out in the open. This is a practice which should be forgotten. Everything should be carefully locked away, possibly in an area that's not easy to find altogether.

Have at least two secure locks on your entrance door

Deadbolt locks which opens with a knob or handle on the inside are some of the most popular locks as they cannot be opened from the outside so easily. Don't forget to add an additional lock however, which you also use. 3 to 5 lever mortice locks or other multi point locking systems work the best. Mind the quality of your doors and their frames though. If one of these are old, no lock on earth could stop someone kicking it in. Another way to stop this from happening is, to ensure the locks goes at least 2-3 inches into the doorframe or deeper. You must ensure the doorframe is strong enough to withstand force through otherwise the locks will not be able to protect you (unless they go deeper within the wall)

Secure your windows

Windows work best with slot locks. Good Bournemouth locksmith services can easily install additional locks especially for special windows such as balcony windows/doors, French doors and push-up windows. However if you look for a cheaper solution you can simply put a metal or wooden bar making it impossible to have it pushed up from the outside.